Sunday, 29 August 2010

Arthouse Sketchbook Project page 4

Arthouse Sketchbook Project page 3

More dim sum, want to add the chinese at some point.
This was done on the thin paper

and you'd  know that.......

Arthouse Sketchbook Project page 1 and 2

Thank you everyone for your is page 1 and 2/3...still work in progress......

the first page I stuck down with wood glue and it went very soggy, but gave me a chance to play. Page three is drawn on the paper and doesn't show through too much to the other side.
Since this I've used spray mount at the suggestion of
This wonderful blog has lots of tests on the paper. Thanks for all the research Makenart!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Arthouse Sketchbook Project page 1

Work in progress, my theme is "If you lived here"
I've made a start but on watercolour paper.My next page will be in pencil on the thin paper, and probably stick some things in from time to time.

I'm finding the size hard to adjust to but I least I've begun. I've decided to leave the cover until later.