Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Dried chillis

dried up and wrinkly, suits how I feel.................

Thanks for your comments everyone


  1. Chilies are are a frequent ingredient in my cooking, I love these , perfectly real.

  2. I felt that way myself a couple weeks ago. Moisturizer and some good, sweaty workouts did the trick for me :)

    Beautiful peppers. I love how you captured their shine.

  3. Debra you do such beautiful work! Oh, and I know the feeling...

  4. These look ready to pick up and crush, fantastic work.

  5. Oh dear, I am sure you are not.

    Beautiful drawing. How do you capture the shine so well?

  6. I sure miss the days my mom dragged me to the market to get groceries, and picking out there to cook with. =) I much prefer them when they are dried I don't know why, perhaps I secretly likes the textures.
    Very beautifully done Debra, as usual they are as realistic as ever!

  7. This is awesome trompe l'oeiil work. At first I thought it was a photograph. It is very realistic. I am impressed by your drawing skills. Awesome and beautiful work.

  8. So well done with all the highlights and shadows! They do look so real!

  9. LOL! Dried up and wrinkled! I doubt it.

    My husband just went to a local chili pepper festival in the Botanical Gardens.

    These are great. My mouth is burning.

  10. Dried up, wrinkly, beautiful and full of fire. Hope that's the whole way you are feeling! Nice drawing too!

  11. Thanks everyone! Guess I need to learn to grow old gracefully
    Freebird I love your line, might have to useit if I'm allowed


Thanks for your comments everyone!