Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Everyday in May 7

Draw something you got for free.......
Draw something you got for free...vase found at the bins last night ( a Lamma Island thing, if something is not total rubbish you leave it beside the bin in case anyone else wants it), flowers popped up in a plant pot (left behind by my ex-neighbour) and a shedded snake skin (about 150cm long) that I've been avoiding drawing for about a year.....

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous picture for #7. I don't know why you avoided the skin, you've done a wonderful job. As you've seen I'm struggling to get whole pictures, so I'm very envious of this.

    I remember leaving and picking up things from besides the bins when I was in Korea. I never picked up anything as nice as your vase though.


Thanks for your comments everyone!