Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Pussy Willow

Kung Hei Fat Choi
Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Year of the Dragon.


  1. Happy New Year, Debra. I think these pussy willows look pretty fluffy! Also you've gotten such nice highlights on the stems.

  2. Oooh! This is so beautiful! It has such a peaceful, hopeful, newness-of-life feeling to it! You have a way of arranging your compositions so perfectly! I like the pinecones below too! The way they are tipped looks like two friends in animated conversation!

  3. Beautiful! Great composition.... so simple and so efficient, wonderful colors and so Spring promising :-))

  4. Oh yes, lovely.
    And I also agree with Katherine - beautiful pine cones.

  5. Kung Hei Fat Choi, Debra. I'm assuming its crazy in HK at the moment. Beautiful illustration.

  6. Really pretty. When I was walking in our local gardens here, I noticed that the pussy willows had buds already--we've had a lot of warm weather this winter--I hope they don't get zapped with cold weather!

  7. So delicate...
    I missed you, Debra ;-)

  8. I love this! My grandmother absolutely loved pussy willows and we planted one in her honor at our family home. Your piece brings back wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing!

  9. These are lovely. I look forward to seeing them grow in the woods; a good sign summer is on the way.

    I hope you have a happy new year too.

  10. And to you Debra!!! Beautiful spring branches, so fluffy and full of hope (new life).
    Happy New Years!

  11. Kung Hei Fatt Choy to you too Debra =) Love the drawing! And hope you are enjoying the festive season

  12. These are lovely i love pussy willow, it reminds me of my childhhod


Thanks for your comments everyone!