Sunday, 2 May 2010

Every Day in May # 1

Bamboo Steamer
Drawing number 1 for Every Day in May.

I wanted to add colour but ran out of time...think it'll be good for me to do this.
I'm using this May to get all my ideas sketched out (a woven/bamboo theme happening)
The image was too big to scan all the page, it only covers half of the paper
but will take a photo tomorrow when it's light.


  1. Beautiful sketch! Love the varying thicknesses of the line, and the shading. I find the subjects of your drawings so interesting! Love the strainer too.

  2. Gotta love this one =) I can see that you really like drawing details of items especially when they are made out of plastics ^^
    But it surely makes me feel a little homesick because that's the steamer they use in those restaurants for Dim Sum(which I absolutely adore and miss).
    I really like the details and the consistency of your lines.

  3. Love the intricate details and shading.

  4. I love your style and look forward to your posts. Great job.

  5. Absolutely wonderful!I love the detail and how the strength of the lines shifts!


Thanks for your comments everyone!